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My Paradise in a Bubble: Zapped!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


He zapped me of my energy yesterday!

Evening time was extremely difficult and full of behaviors

All the way until 11:30PM

Not the best way to end the day!

Not quite sure what was going on, every little thing seemed to tick him off and making him explode immediately!

Megan and he were fighting over blankets, he got mad when he "wasn't even sure what dinner was and wouldn't let me tell him"

which after pouring cups of water on the floor in protest (which btw he knows he is always able to make himself something else.... )

but he actually ate it and loved it!

He was clearly dysregulated, clearly unable to even pause to think about the situation, unable to properly filter his negative thoughts and get information before hitting or throwing!

Just one of those days!

And this morning seemed to be off to a better start, then he started in with "craziness" bothering Sarah and simply being very disruptive and angry- and then he crashed asleep!

Thankfully, he was able to just lay with Gretchen even for a moment and he was out!

Who knows what the rest of the day will bring, but I just hope it's not a repeat of yesterday!

It's taken my energy and then I'm too exhausted to get anything done

I had a talk with the girls last night and said I was sorry I wasn't really available most of the day because I had to "occupy" Ty!

It's moments like that I hate! There was just no stretching myself in any more directions to give them attention!

I know they kind of get it- but I hate that part and wish I was able to clone myself to be more there for them on days like this.....

But I can't, but as he's asleep right now, I have my coffee in hand, and I'm going to go snuggle my littlest and watch a show with her

Because sometimes that's all that is needed

for both of us!

The older, a lot more complicated, but she'll get her "snuggle" time tonight- that's her routine, right before bed!

Sometimes it is just about the simplest things, just simply being next to each other, watching a show!

So that is a focus for me today! And right now!

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