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My Paradise in a Bubble: a response to a post

Friday, July 4, 2014

a response to a post

This is a response to a post I made regarding the following post from a blog- .....

very interesting perspective for sure... and some good points and facts I was unaware of..... I have a 10 yo boy who has autism and medical issues and regularly has aggressive dangerous meltdowns- it is very hard most days... we have done our best to get the proper help.. we've been begging for help since he was a toddler- but all his medical issues too center stage and well, now he's 10 and has very aggressive tendencies... the help that is offered and believe me we continue to break down doors to get people to listen to us and to get him the help he is not always easy to get help- had we not continue to battle all the different systems I can easily see how difficult it is for others... I have the support of my husband and we are a great team- but again, no other supports.... but my husband and I have been committed to continuing to help our son no matter what.... but it has taken YEARS to get help...I can't work because I have to care for our son- and now he's now longer in school because we just cannot continue to fight the school at the expense of our energy to help our was a broken system that was NOT providing him with what HIS needs are and after 4 years of continuing to try and ending in horrible results- we have him home now- so I know people like to judge, they like to think there is an easy answer, that if people just ask for help, it's there.... but it's not always the case.... Again, I don't agree with a cage - but trust me when your son jumps out of windows when you do put him in his room to "calm down" and you've cleared the room of everything so he can't hurt himself, well- I can understand desperate, I can understand not knowing what the heck to do -....we can't put him in his room any longer, for his safety- he needs constant supervision, just like a 1 year old- people would disagree with us that I have to tell my girls to lock themselves in a room when he is having a meltdown so that they don't get hurt... it's our safety plan... and that sucks to have to have one.. but we do- and people I know would disagree with keeping him in our house... but he's our son and we are committed to do everything we can until we can't..and I hope this is never the case- but we just take one day at a time, one moment at a time. we love him and will continue to fight for him- so take a step back and see that maybe, just maybe systems failed this family, because that happens a lot! I know

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