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My Paradise in a Bubble: I'm optimistic!

Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm optimistic!

It's Monday once again... boy these weeks fly by fast!

With today came the first time in 3 or 4 weeks that Ty and I HAD to leave our bubble...

We needed to pick up Sarah from school (her ride was sick today...)

I was fortunate to have A the behaviorist with us for pick up- so Ty and her stayed in the car and played Pokemon cards while I went to get Sarah.

It was a great distraction, and was a huge huge help!

He did very well transitioning to the car, for the car trip -all of 1/4 mile...

believe me sometimes that can be the longest 1/4 mile ever.... literally I've had to stop 3 x on that route due to behavior..

so I don't take this positive experience for granted!

So pick up, trip back home, transitioning to a new activity were all successful! That's a big deal in my book!

I was very proud of him-

and I just hope between that little outing, no behaviorists T, W, or Th due to schedule issues- and Sarah on early out schedule all week....

That we continue this path of success, path of coping, path of continued calm nervous system........ I so want to be optimistic, I want to be so confident that these events are now much easier for him to tolerate (and yes it is all about him tolerating these events.... that's about as good as these things can be)

So despite our history on these types of events, I'm going to be optimistic and believe that these "typical setting events" will not be events that turn his ability to cope and deal with the world....into events that once again begin us down a path of dysregulation, inability to cope, intolerant, inflexible and an anxious ball of nerves that spins out of control! I"m hopeful! I"m optimistic! I know we can get through this week- without too much "incident".......

we can do this!!! We will get through these changes in routine this week!

He will be successful! I just know it!

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