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My Paradise in a Bubble: A bad moment, is just that, one moment

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A bad moment, is just that, one moment

Well, we had a pretty amazing moment last night.........

pretty amazing indeed!

They actually played a game, had fun, were within "touching" distance......

which in itself is amazing because well, let's just say being in the same room usually causes an uproar!

So this moment made me one proud mama!

Now another moment earlier in the day, one that was not so good, one that was out of anger

my little guy had a moment of lack of control over his mind and body and began to throw objects at me, which I was by the computer, therefore, object hit the computer and well...

we now have a non functioning computer! UGH

I hate when moments like that, which are truly just a moment in the day, but now we are a bit screwed because not everything on that computer was backed up... many of my photos, certain files, etc... you know-

way too much important information in a blink of an eye now completely inaccessible

and to say my husband is not pleased, okay actually freaking out- well YEAH!

because this one moment is now going to cost us A LOT OF money to try and remedy, if we can even fix this problem.....

oh the things that get broken, damaged, destroyed, torn up, in a moment of anger, rage, frustration.

I just look around my desk while I type this new post, and I see one, two, three, four, five.... broken items.... that I keep.... some of it is very special things to me, some of it I hope to "repair" at some point, some of it just now is garbage, which at one point was something I treasured, but in a moment became trash.

Those are sad moments..... and like yesterday's sad moment, it occurred in a blink of an eye, a flip of a switch,

and they suck because absolutely nothing we can do about it.....

I have holes in my bedroom wall and bathroom door, a hole in our kitchen wall, things put away because they wouldn't be safe to have out, and I used to keep most things away... but honestly I was tired of not being able to have "my things" out on display

it's one thing when they are little, but you look forward to those days where you can have more of a grown up house, with treasured items, with keepsakes, with things that I like for my house.

I know I could put EVERYTHING away, but I've come to the conclusion that is not living, it's not the way I want to live my life, it's not being very present, waiting for the day when I can bring my special things OUT of hiding...

That's just not want I want to do, it's not how I want my life to be defined... so I take the chance, I risk things, I hope and sometimes I'm disappointed, but honestly-

it's good for him to see my disappointment and sadness when he breaks something of mine in that moment of anger

it's good for him to eventually see what his actions have caused, what emotional response someone else has to his action.

When the sad/bad moment is over, he is affected by my sadness, he is affected by my clear disappointment that something of mine was destroyed....

can I get it back, no

can I replace it, sometimes but usually not

but when you have a child who has been so emotionally empty, emotionally unaffected, but is growing emotionally, learning about emotions, then honestly that by far is way more important than any item, thing, object,

I guess that's how I look at it....... and sure it sucks, but there are lots of things in this world that suck, and if it's one more way we can help our child, help him to understand (even if just partially understand) how his actions affect others,

well, that is just awesome!

So, computer may be broken, hope we can recover our data, but like all the other bad moments, it's just a moment and we have already moved onto the next moment.

Which he just woke up from a nap and told me about a dream he had.

A dream that he say's I made an awesome outdoor shower.

What's amazing about this?

Ty NEVER tells us about his dreams, he says he doesn't dream, (or he just never remembers them).....

But in this moment, he shared with me a moment of happiness he experienced in his dream.


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