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My Paradise in a Bubble: He slept.......

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

He slept.......

Although my little guy has not been feeling well with a bad cold, asthma flare up......

although I've caught the cold now and feel worn out....

are your ready for this......


The nights since Friday have been tough, he's waking up every 3 hours coughing like crazy, waking up and having a hard time going back to sleep

It's been a pretty rough few nights- and just when we think our sleep situation can't get worse

and we are feeling TIRED!

He once again surprises us with sleeping through the night!

I don't even remember the last time he slept through the night without waking,

without needing something to eat,

without watching a video,

without having such a hard time going back to sleep

And you don't even realize how much we wake up every night until.....

you don't wake up! WOW!

Now, I'm happy because:

it meant he wasn't up all night coughing which is good

but I think the only reason he slept was

because he is sick with a cold

which means it's pretty much not gonna happen again.

This is the weird thing we've always experienced with him

When he's sick, something happens to him

he's always calmer,

he tends to sleep,

he tends to be more engaging,

he tends to be, well more of himself that we know is there,

just so much gets in his way

so it's kind of this weird thing and not that we are ever happy he gets sick- trust me, he's not the easiest patient

but it does give us a bit of rest from our more typical days where he is just needing so much from us all day

we are working on independence, but even on the best of days, he's a very needy kid,

and struggles a lot with basic skills,

and even just existing without our presence

It's always a work in progress,

that's why he falls asleep usually at my feet when he naps, or needs our attention to accomplish things

it's probably a lot due to trying to self regulate, but needing us to co-regulate

but when we have days as we've been having (even before he wasn't feeling well)

well, we don't mind.... it's baby steps, it's tiny steps forward, tiny steps back,

and when we see him smiling and more full of life

it's all worth it!

and then he sleeps....well, that's just icing on the gluten free dairy free cake! :)

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