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My Paradise in a Bubble: This is my story, and I"m stickin' to it......

Monday, March 31, 2014

This is my story, and I"m stickin' to it......

My Monday, first day back to school for the girls, Brian off to work, and Ty has a had a wee bit of a cold (last week more, but you know it is still the tail end of it, sort of and that's at least what I"m telling myself because I cancelled behaviorist today because of course I didn't want to pass on our germs and it's not because I just wanted to have a day with my boy!

Nope, that's not it at all.

But as last week with spring break, I saw glimpse's of him like I haven't seen in a long time.

He's been really angry and aggressive kind of since Brian went back to work after his surgery, after Ty's own procedure, and the behaviorists started back in full time.

And they were Uping the challenges big time.

How do you balance having a happy little boy, whose engaging, playful and doing a pretty good job using his coping skills which is our biggest challenge of all

and the call to continue to challenge him to learn new skills, but at the cost of him again being aggressive, angry, and absolutely defiant!!

It certainly makes things very very hard within our family and our household!

The simplest little things were setting him off into full explosions- he was being completely inflexible, completely irrational and completely unpredictable!

It's hard, we know it's hard, we know hard- trust me!

But we also know who is hiding deep inside his soul, who wants to please, wants to play, wants to be happy!

And so, call me bad mommy, but I wanted to have some time with him, just him, to engage in activities, to enjoy each others company, to simply talk with him.

There's nothing wrong with that, right??? ;)

And this is how our day went!

I took a shower- (okay that's just huge in itself because he wasn't asleep, he just calmly played xbox in my room while I showered- yeah!

Then a did a few chores and he patiently waited till I was ready and we went outside to play basketball before it started to rain!

That was fun, and we laughed and were silly together! Doesn't get better than that!

Then we came inside, and it was lunch time so he suggested we look up some fun lunch ideas! Leave it to pinterest to give us some awesome ideas!

We named this lunch, Squid dogs..... hot dogs cut into 3 or 4 pieces, and then we took spaghetti (uncooked) and poked it into the hot dog- then cooked the entire thing- and it looked like squids... how cool is that- he loved it!

Photo to come later.....

Then I did some more chores, he occupied himself- (holy crap- how cool is that!!)

Then he wanted to make Rice crispie treats- gluten free of course- so I just set him up and he did it!

I knew he could, he's done it before, so I allowed him to melt the butter on the stove and the marshmellows- he just occasionally checked in with me, asked me "if this is good"

He was doing it perfectly- and then voila- my little boy made yummy treats.... and even better-

When his sisters got home from school, he willingly offered them some! Yeah again!

I should be counting how many times I say yeah for this day, .... it's so great!

And although it was very very hard for him to wait patiently for daddy to come home (which he came home about 30 minutes late today- so that kind of drove Ty nuts and he just sort of paced around, walking literally in circles saying "when will he be home" over and over

But that's not that unusual for him, but what is is nothing more then that... simply just waiting the best he could, and no behaviors of anxiety!

So, as I look back on my "hooky" day, but not really because honestly he had a cold last week, we all did, and he still has you know, gunk to clear out, and we certainly don't want to get others sick with our germs and I'm going to stick to this story because at the end of this day (almost) I'm just looking back and smiling and so happy I had a great day with my little boy! And to see his face smile and laugh as much as it did today, well,I"m sorry that is truly a beautiful sight

Now, we still have "potty" time, but you know what, even if that goes bad,

it can't erase my happiness from today - nothing can!

And I'm so incredibly proud of him, and how hard he works at every single thing in his life- He truly is our special little boy who continues to amaze us!

to inspire us, and has taught me so much about life and myself-

And I know tomorrow will be a new day, with new challenges, but this is why we enjoy our beautiful moments!

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