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My Paradise in a Bubble: This is going to be amazing!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

This is going to be amazing!

Got the most exciting phone call this morning.

Our family (Ty) has been called to team training for CCI to get a service dog.

The process started almost two years ago, and we've been waiting once we heard we were on "the list" for 13 months now.... and we're next!!!!

My heart is still skipping a beat thinking about it... is it the answer to all the issues Ty faces?

Of course not, but it will certainly enhance his life, help him in so many ways, and be an amazing companion and literally a "tool" to the rest of us that continue to help him every minute of every day!

This is truly amazing, just getting through the process was pretty grueling, but we did, and they chose him to receive a dog to help him become more independent in his life- not just now, but forever really!

He will have this service dog for a very long time, into his adult hood and will be able to continue to receive a service dog if the need is still there once this dog is "retired" from service!

Amazing, exciting, scary, incredible, and something our family will look forward to. It will be an experience like no other, and will be an experience that we hope we can help Ty get through successfully!

It won't be easy going some new place for two weeks, and being challenged in a way that's new to him- but we are hopeful that the service dog they have chosen for him will enable him and literally be the working tool to help him get through more difficult situations! Service dogs are amazing in so many ways, and the research behind using service dogs for children with Autism, (which there is so much anxiety and inability to regulate)and for Ty he also has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder..... there will be so many incredible benefits to him in his every waking hour.... I'm just so thrilled to be given this opportunity to be able to help our son! Yeah...

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