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My Paradise in a Bubble: The boy hasn't stopped moving or talking!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The boy hasn't stopped moving or talking!

As I sit and try to enjoy my morning coffee... my one ritual that well, helps start the day off right for mama (I know I"m not alone in this!)

But I think someone, that would be Ty, has beat me to the start to an energetic day.

That boy hasn't stopped moving or talking for the last 2 hours....holy he's making my head spin!

And then,


he's asleep on the hard floor, in front of the little heater fireplace.

And just like that, I am now sitting, and listening to my music, and it's quiet for the first time since I woke up.

Thank goodness because my head has been pounding this morning, and well, when he's so jacked up (as we call it), it's hard!

Here is to a calmer, quieter, slower day..... cheers!

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