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My Paradise in a Bubble: Last day of September, really?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Last day of September, really?

SHHH- don't tell Ty it's the last day of September. I'm trying to hold off because once he knows- well one word: Obsession and Overwhelmed. Okay, that was two words.... but anyone who has a sensory kiddo knows the overwhelming holiday of Halloween. It probably is one of the worst holidays as far as a sensory kiddo goes. And therefore for the parents too! So not looking forward to this month- how terrible is that? I guess when you have a history like ours, pretty much no Halloween passes without literally all hell breaking lose. And you probably can tell, our hell is quite different. And it's just when things are finally quieting down over here. Three days of a much calmer little guy, happier kid, kinder, actually sitting and playing with toys for even just a little bit. And tomorrow, begins the month of October. The month that begins with the same letter that causes so many issues for my son: his obsessions get the best of him, he's overwhelmed, he's completely dis Organized in his brain. So, happy last day of September - wish us luck in October. Did I mention we are on three days of things being a little calmer around here? And please do not tell Ty it's October and I beg you do not ask him what he is going to be for Halloween!!!! If you do, well you get to come babysit :)

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