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My Paradise in a Bubble: A glass of wine and good company....

Monday, September 23, 2013

A glass of wine and good company....

A glass of wine and good company from the neighbor walking down the street who actually understands our circumstances more than most ever will because she has her own circumstances (hope that's okay to say that).... but as I was sipping my wine after a long day, opening old wounds at a SST meeting for Junior High, I yelled to my husband- quick get a glass of wine ready... and rushed it over to her as she passed by with her dog and son. That ended up being a wonderful time, enjoying a glass of wine with someone who is just purely kind. Enjoying watching kids who struggle so much in almost everything they do just playing, laughing and being kids, dogs just co existing in good compny, a second glass of wine (can't throw away good wine, now right!) One of the best evenings we have had in such a long time. Sometimes you never know how great it is to have a neighbor who you can enjoy a glass of wine with and simply appreciate every small thing that's good in that moment. It's what I needed, so thank you friend! It may only be Monday, and I've been up since 4:45 because of behaviors that began that early in the morning. But I'm ending this day pretty well- on many levels. I got through a tough meeting by myself, (I was so nervous) and I enjoyed some time with my husband, and a good chat with a friend. My kids transitioned back home well, we laughed at dinner, we transitioned to his potty routine, and things were happy and joyful! Happy Monday- happy happy day, happy moment, and now I'm officially exhausted and ready for bed. But a good glass of wine and good company was certainly an added bonus to today!

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