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My Paradise in a Bubble: An entire day without......... and then waffles?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

An entire day without......... and then waffles?

Here is the sleep picture of the day:
.......................................................... Yesterday was an entire day without behaviors. Not hitting, no throwing, no kicking, no screaming. A day that was quite nice, a day that was calm. A day that was filled with smiles, kindness, and engagement. This was day 11 of air tight, zipped bubble. And even though he was up at 2:30am until 4:30 am kind of manic- he ultimately went back to sleep. And then at 8:30am I could hear almost like a quiet little mouse. Creeping about, closing cupboards. Opening the fridge, the dishwasher door. What was going on? Who was in the kitchen? I was tired for sure- when you're up from 2:30am to 4:30 am, even just pretending to sleep (but you really can't knowing your child is wide awake doing who knows what??) But what is going on now? I finally muster up the strength to open my eyes and go check. Know what I found? My son, making waffles for breakfast for everyone. Yep, that's my boy! Making waffles to surprise us all when we get up. Pretty amazing.

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