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My Paradise in a Bubble: A sweet moment with littlest.......

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A sweet moment with littlest.......

My youngest, age 6 said the cutest thing today. She say's lots of cute things. One time when she saw a big RV driving down the road. She called it a "home bus". We all just smiled and laughed it was so adorable. And she's right. It's a home and a bus, kind of. So this morning, it definitely feels like fall for the first time. Cool, crisp, windy morning. She decides she wants to wear her black boots from last year. So I tell her to try them on first to make sure they still fit. And they do. So as she's sitting there putting her own shoes on, pulling the zipper up on her boots (which to me I marvel at because wow she can do things she's developmentally supposed to, and when you have a child who is developmentally behind in so many ways- you forget and lose perspective of what neurotypical children are able to do. Like, wow she put her own jacket on without help. Or gets dressed without crying. And even she has some pretty big sensory issues- but she simply says I don't like how that feels, so I'm going to change. Or that is too loud, please turn it down. Or she will cover her ears. Basically she has really good coping skills and self help skills. So, back to her cute thing she did this morning. BTW I thought I would put a different spin on the post. As yesterday was actually a really tough day- lots of behaviors. Lots of good times, but lots of behaviors and lots of tears. He needed restraint several times. He was an emotional roller coaster. It was just that kind of day. So rather then always sounding negative, which I try really hard not to because who wants to listen to someone when they are always negative. Now, yes what I post is the everyday facts of what we go through, what our day to day moment by moment is like raising a son with special needs. But in all of the tough stuff, which ours is pretty uniquely tough- we get those moments. So back to this moment with my littlest. As she was putting her boots on, she says these boots would be perfect for pony lessons when you sign me up. I said, pony lessons? She said yeah because horses are too big, so I thought I could take pony lessons. It was so cute- both my husband and I started smiling and saying how cute that was. This was a shared happy moment of enjoying the little things each of our children do that if you're not paying attention as a parent, not engaged with our surroundings, we would have missed. It's not always easy to pay attention to all these little things at times, especially when it's a tough moment. But we try extra hard to enjoy the little moments our girls also have. And some day they will realize it's the little loving moments that count and are so special. They may only be moments, but they are extra special and shine a wonderful light on each of our kids special qualities that make them who they are. And that I love!

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