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My Paradise in a Bubble: What a difference a day can make

Thursday, June 19, 2014

What a difference a day can make

What a difference a day can make!

This picture was the first nice moment we had had in over 36 hours...

Ty did so well on his birthday and with all the events leading up to his birthday (aka school getting out for the girls)

that it ultimately has to express itself someway somehow!

This is just the reality- we call it the fall out- we call it the delayed meltdown..

whatever we want to call it, it always happens!

So Tuesday, just a bad day- overall!

Yesterday was a day where things started to "turn the corner"

starting with a better wake up for him, and then nice play time

Now although I got this picture- the play ultimately ended not so good

but it's back to those moments, they had about 15 minutes of a good playtime

before things started to slide

in my book, I can't ask for more than that!

If it happens, it's just a cherry on top!

So- here's to another 15 minute maybe a cherry on top moment for today!

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