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My Paradise in a Bubble: leap of faith or just jumping off a cliff

Monday, June 2, 2014

leap of faith or just jumping off a cliff

Well I did it!

I just signed up my little man for his first ever basketball experience!

Signed him up for a basketball camp through our city program- it's 3 hours for 5 days...

I'm either absolutely nuts or the best mom ever!

I will let you know when it's all over and hopefully we are all still alive ;)

He is so excited, but as we know, that doesn't translate to "I can deal with this all and cope and then come home and behave without aggression "....

It just doesn't work that way... he doesn't have a clue of what "events" activities, overstimulating experiences (aka everything outside our home and even so much within our home) does to his body and how to properly filter and keep all things in check so that he doesn't lose it and go into "fight or flight"...

But the smile on his face when I showed him the reservation confirmation with his name on it (and yes he made me show him proof)

well, that is priceless!

I will go and watch for the three hours with Gretchen.. and maybe, just maybe

she will provide enough comfort to keep his anxiety down and help calm him when it's over!

I hope!

Leap of faith, most definitely!

But sometimes you just gotta try it!

And believe me, I'll be praying not only he has a fantastic time, but more importantly, he doesn't completely lose it and start in with serious aggressive behaviors.

That just wouldn't be fair to him!

The little boy just wants to play basketball... so pray he can do this! :)

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