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My Paradise in a Bubble: SELF REGULATION : it happened!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

SELF REGULATION : it happened!

What a difference a new day can be for my little guy!

Much happier, much calmer, much more present, and at the same time

taking the "time" he needs where he closes out the rest of the world and zones in on a particular TV show.

I know many people would say how unhealthy that is, or turn off the TV, it's not good for his brain....

what I say to it is "he is regulating" on his own!

This is what regulating can look like, especially for him

Just like last night at dinner- he again asked to eat down by the computer to watch his show (and trust me, what he is allowed to watch is very specific and limited as to NOT cause dysregulation, be inappropriate, very carefully added to our approved list of shows)

and so even then I was so proud he asked to eat elsewhere, rather than at the dinner table

because it means he was not able to be at the dinner table, around the family, eating food, etc

it meant he knew he couldn't do it

so asking to eat elsewhere is HUGE!!

Our dinner time, which is supposed to be a wonderful family sit around the table enjoying a meal time discussing our day time

well it's not for this family!

We strongly believe in eating as a family

but believe me it is so HARD!

Ty struggles so much with being around others while eating who are also eating, has so many "food" aversions

what we hear most of the time at dinner is "Sarah stop chewing so loud" "Megan (in a whining voice) be quiet"

This my friends is called sensory overload at it's finest, people gathered, food, smells of the meal, looking at the meal, talking, chewing, it is one time of day that absolutely gets him dysregulated!

But the occasional dinner time can be pleasant and a great family time

and also when he asks to not be with the family-

well sure, it saddens me that he isn't able to be with us, but at the same time I am so proud because he knew he couldn't do it and therefore removed himself!

This is what SELF- REGULATION is all about!

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