I know to some this may sound, well a bit depressing- saying "we survived another weekend". But every day is a bit of survival. We live in survival mode- this helps us get through the tough moments. And tough moments are more common than easier moments.
Some call it crisis mode, some call it survival mode. Whatever one chooses to call it- it's our reality.
Our circumstances have put us into this type of reaction to life, rather then, well what everyone else is able to do- simply relax and roll through the days with ease. We don't have that as an option; as the life that has been handed to us is one with a child, who not only is complicated medically, but psychologically as well. A beautiful wise spirit that requires a lot of assistance, help, love and above all patience. Lots and lots of patience!
It's not a negative. It's what it is. And quite honestly it's a privilege because someone up in the heavens must have thought so highly of us to give us a child who would require so much- and know that even during the toughest moments, we would have the strength and belief that we- as a team, can do this.
Will do this.
And we would appreciate the God given talents each one of us possesses.
We would find inner peace and joy from our precious moments. We will raise our children to be patient, loving, caring, joyful creative spirits that will themselves be peaceful and joyful from within.I don't think there can be a higher compliment as a human being. Is life "easy" for anyone? What does that even mean? Doesn't everyone have challenges, internal struggles, difficulties that can at times seem more difficult then what it's worth?
I am a believer that all beings struggle. It's how we handle these struggles and find inner peace with what challenges us.
This gives me the strength to move past the challenges and still find joy in moments that many many years before, would have never crossed my thoughts. One's I didn't pay attention to. One's that were taken for granted.
No joyful moment is taken for granted now. Quite honestly, that feels really good.
This is why moment to moment is so precious and enjoyed. And makes everything we do to help our son worth it-
It's all about your attitude and perception of the experience. I for one do feel blessed. Is this to say it's easy. I think if you've read any of my blogs- that's far from it. But what our family has done is to find the joyful experiences that bonds families and loved ones-it's just not what "others" would say is acceptable or would even say is impossible.
But this is what our son NEEDS.
That's why I feel blessed because there are many people in this world that wouldn't be able to provide what he NEEDS. Therefore they would miss out on seeing who this little boy really is- who he wants to be. Who has so much to offer, and deserves to be happy, no matter what lengths we have to go to as parents. Help him discover his talents, encourage his talents, and bring laughter and knowledge to everyone around him.
That's a gift.
I love the saying "we aren't human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
So back to this weekend, which was actually a pretty nice weekend.
We had laughter, smiles, conversation, togetherness. We had flexibility, we had engagement, we had challenges, we had consequences, we had sharing, we had encouragement.
We had a moment where Ty decided to "play" in his room and was in there for almost 20minutes. Understand, this never happens. He doesn't like to be away from where the rest of the family is, and this is especially in his bedroom.
But he went to get a new shirt (the one he put on this morning was "too itchy") and I had noticed he was gone for awhile. That's unusual. He's usually quick as a flash back to whatever he was doing.
So I peeked.
And there he was sitting on the floor of his room, with no shirt on (he must have forgotten why he went in there in the first place) and he was playing with his erector playset. A very fun building type set that allows him to be creative and focused. It was so sweet- that was a moment that made me smile.
I couldn't believe he was in there for almost 20 minutes- not that I was counting or anything. But these are the moments you take in because they "never" happen... but today it did! And I think that's pretty awesome!
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