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My Paradise in a Bubble: A new day brings day one of med change.......

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A new day brings day one of med change.......

Well, I hope our good run we have going on isn't going to go down the drain.

It's day one of a medication change.

Not a big change, but at the same time can absolutely backfire and run him into the ground.

It's probably the only medication that I can honestly say is helpful and effective for him.

Some of the others, well you just never quite know, especially now that he's not trying to attend school, not trying to go out in the community (because the meds didn't do anything anyway for these situations.

We find the only true helpful thing is limiting his exposure to environmental changes. That by far has been the most effective thing we've done. The meds did nothing for him while in school. The meds do nothing for him when he's exposed to too many changes, too many external stimuli, too many "unknowns", too many challenges to his nervous system.

But when we are in a good pattern as we have been.... you just hate doing anything different, hate knowing there will be challenges ahead and not knowing if he is in a "good enough" place to handle the challenge, use his coping skills , not flip into fight or flight. Which for him is literally in a blink of an eye!

So today brings a bit of anxiety, a bit of walking on egg shells, and more unknown than we've known the past week.

Especially since it's also the week of Halloween. That alone is a nervous systems nightmare!!

The challenges, the anxiety, the fears, the sensory overload, the unknowns. If you have a sensory child, you know what I am talking about.

But I'm also optimistic. I'm hopeful. I"m praying that this change in med doesn't cause major regression.

Changing meds can be so difficult- especially when you have a kid who never responds the way that is anticipated. A kid who needs doses that always surprises the doctor's for the med to be even a little effective.

A kid who also isn't able to take the appropriate dose of certain meds to achieve the medical effect intended, due to side effects. It's just not easy.

It's truly an individual art that is through trial and error.

But for us, those trial and errors can make days, even weeks absolutely intolerable due to behavioral problems.

So I pray that this one change doesn't send us back to difficult days. I pray that the change is a good change. I pray for my little guy!

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