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My Paradise in a Bubble: Not gonna dwell....

Friday, April 18, 2014

Not gonna dwell....

It has been a while since I have posted a "sleep picture of the day"

and rather then dwelling on how this evening has ended

I"m going to remain positive and remember the good points of the day- like

this sleep picture for number one!

Also, making paper airplanes together outside until the wind really really pissed him off

Then playing with our sweet little pooches together out on the deck, experiencing a happy moment with the warmth of the sun wrapping us in a blanket

and then watching him (okay, spying on him through a window) as he TRIED SO HARD to get something out of the back shed. He was feeling impatient to wait for the help he asked for from me

I was finishing my lunch

but I couldn't resist the urge to go spy on him and watch him from the window as he sat in front of the shed, knowing exactly what he wanted, even seeing it with his eyes behind a few things

but then quickly shouting to me to help him because there were spiders

and then getting the courage up to take a stick and knock them down and then proceeded to take a few things out so that he could then reach the toy he was looking for.

He was very weary of reaching in to get it, he appeared to be thinking a monster or snake very well is going to jump out at him he is dares sticks his hand in there to retrieve the toy he can see with his eyes!

He paused, he attempted, he backed up, and paused again- looking

Then jumped at the chance when his courage took over and he got it!

That was an awesome moment to spy, I mean watch without his knowledge through a window!

So this is what I am going to remember about the day-

and not the absolutely horrible transition of me coming home from the store, with dinner, and him just absolutely not handling it- to the point that I had to gain control over him (and I thought I could "bring him back as this is a technique that has been working these days before the major meltdown into aggressive behaviors occur...

but I was wrong and got a major head butt into the cheek, knocking me down

But I"m not going to dwell on this moment (and I will forget that my cheek is red and still hurting a bit a few hours later..

and I will remind myself to remember the happy moments of the day-

And I will remind myself that tomorrow is another day!

And it too will probably be filled with some awesome great moments and some more challenging ones as well!

Because this what living with Autism is like.

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