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My Paradise in a Bubble: Was that too much to ask........

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Was that too much to ask........

No behaviorist today due to illness on their side..... Brian has a late night meeting tonight, past bedtime,

Day actually has been really great.... Ty and I have been very interactive together, baking cookies for the neighbors (although he doesn't agree to that)

we played checkers, he let me do a good deep back rub, he helped me wrap a few Christmas gifts..... he really wanted to wrap some himself for Sarah- so sure...

that's very giving of him- and I have to say, he was so proud of himself when he wrapped a gift, put tape on, and a ribbon too!

Talk about gleaming, anyway back to the day, the good times we were having and even ywhen things came up (as we call it sometimes)

he appropriately said he was sorry, took his minutes in the hammock and recovered nicely!

Yeah- score for the good moments!

We decided on pizza tonight since daddy is gone, (yes even a Gluten Free house can have pizza these days... yeah- even delivered: awesome delicious GF pizza and we just leave the cheese off!- we feel so typical!)

Anyway, going well, pizza is delivered, (now this is where mommy obviously got carried away)

I had the brilliant idea to eat dinner in front of the TV in the family room... yeah- so fun, right!!!

Everyone was on board, they all thought this was great, we agreed on the movie- Santa Buddies......

I served everyone up.... got them settled in the family room

then BOOM

this that and other things were happening, people fighting, arguing, yelling... then I realized

how could I have possibly expected them to have been successful at this change.

This was one more change on top of the other changes that occurred today.... what was I thinking!

You see, in our world, change is not good, in fact, multiple changes in the same time period, well, can usually mean catastrophic consequences..... and this last one I added!

Eating in a different room is change one, eating in front of a TV, change 2, daddy not home, change 3, did I mention, not eating at our dining table as we ALWAYS do!

And it was one change too many.... it was a frustrating moment for me.... because in reality (not my reality, but in reality that I think how others live- Was this really too much to ask for?

Heck, it was an opportunity to eat dinner, pizza no less, in front of the TV watching a movie.....

What kid wouldn't want to do that, right?

Well, at my house, we have a different reality, it's called KEEPING THINGS THE SAME!!!

I guess I got caught up in an idea that I thought would be fun..... I really should know better.... something that could be fun, but not if it's DIFFERENT

So to answer my own question,

Yes, it was too much to ask for...... and I'm sorry I had tried to do something out of our usual!

Maybe it would have been successful on a more typical day, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing out of the routine that we are used to (I say we, but really it's a couple munchkins that have this issue... mainly, one 12 year old munchkin, and one 9 1/2 year old munchkin).....

So, note to self, never add another change on a day full of changes!!!!!

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