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My Paradise in a Bubble: Falling off the track....

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Falling off the track....

Merry Christmas.... day one after Christmas was yesterday?

Our day, little guy was up at 2:50 AM.... then finally Brian and I were up at 6:30

some how our 7:30AM don't bother mom and dad threat had no impact - haha , but wow tired!

Then gifts, gifts, and more gifts... we come from a very large extended family- and I do know my children like the act of unwrapping... no matter what... so I literally wrap everything- one book, one hair bow, one set of mittens...

and when we have all day since we were not going to go anywhere.. well, it's fun for them!

But was the day without issues.... not by a long shot!

And it's always unexpected and just when we think things are calm.

He had a lot of emotions surrounding Megan and Sarah... but could not handle engaging or playing with both of them at the same time.

Even though they were including him when he asked to play... things just constantly turned sour immediately- tears would begin to flow, and then destruction!

At one point, he started to cry because his feelings were sad, and then boom- anger kicked out the sad feelings and he took his hand and swiped everything off the center kitchen island... ugh.... yep crash!

These are the tough moments of Autism-

The holidays are just overwhelming- no matter what we do to try and minimize the over stimulation to his senses, minimize the flow of people- (actually to almost nothing this year- it's just is too hard), and yet still it's just a hard day!

Should we be surprised?

no, we shouldn't! I just like to be wrong in these situations

We left the house, as a family, on Christmas eve to deliver the toy drive donations to the children's hospital!

That was hard for him.

Everything is different this week- that is hard for him.

And he knows that daddy will soon be going into the hospital to donate a kidney ..... and honestly- I am not sure he understands , even though he says he does.

Today he heard Brian talking on the phone about it, and Ty went off running and locked himself in his room.

And even though we are open to remind him that it's for daddy, not for him, I don't know if he can even get his head around that because he always says, I heard you say I have to get my button changed.

And maybe that's what he heard, even though it wasn't from our mouths... it's just what is always always on his mind- every little whisper he thinks we do- it's about him and his button needing changing

Anything he doesn't understand, it must be he has to have his button changed.

It really is a terrifying experience for him, regardless of the routine of it- over 4 1/2 years of every single night of doing his bowel irrigation on the potty..... it's still difficult and not routine to him.... he struggles with it still every night!

So, day one after the big holiday- day one of recovery to bring normalcy back to our house, day one of again creating an environment in which Ty can better cope and deal with things in life, to appropriately react to situations that frustrate him and disappoint him, to be happy, to be calm, to be content, to be loving!

These are all really difficult when his system is just overwhelmed.

And we have exactly 11 days to get things back in order for him before Brian's surgery.... so here's to working hard to help our family achieve "normalcy" for us and to get things back on track- before things fall off the track once again! Because we just can't control the universe, as our little guy needs!

We just do the best we can.

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