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My Paradise in a Bubble: Can I have a pity party? Please....

Friday, December 13, 2013

Can I have a pity party? Please....

And this is why I always say, mommy can't get sick, because there is no one to take care of me! And I still have to do all the usual for the rest!

Well, mommy has caught the cold... my head, between my ears, and just blahhh....

and to make matters worse today... after a horrible not being able to sleep night

The coffee cups my husband gets me from costco... my nice big 20oz cups... my thing... it's what I do every morning... and no one is going to take it away from me

My own specialty coffee drink made by me for me

in these big cups I like

I opened the new bag of cups... and then realized these are not the right one's.

These are smaller, oh no... on this morning I didn't sleep very good, I don't feel very good- and I don't have my usual and it means I don't have lids to fit.. just so many things going wrong this morning!

I am saying this with a grin on my face, and silliness in my voice..... if you can't tell... I've been trying really hard to get pity and sympathy from my hubby....

I asked him to stop at the local pharmacy to get me cold medicine- can't believe we don't have any on hand....

he said after work,,, I said I can't wait!!

and I gave a sad face... hoping to gain some sympathy and some cold medicine!

We'll see.... he first takes little one to school... and I"m hoping he is able to stop for me! Because my head is going to explode!

Okay, I'm done... thanks for listening..... the world will go on, the day will continue as usual, and mama will do what she must....

isn't that what we do best.... march on despite feeling crappy?

Happy Friday!

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