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My Paradise in a Bubble: My week of woes and blessings

Friday, December 20, 2013

My week of woes and blessings

Oldest still home from school with ear infection... day 4 1/2.... but doing better after antibiotics... even with ear tubes, it's been really bad.

We started more construction on our new bedroom, bathroom, laundry room.

Why ...... well we love to just throw more matters into our already complicated life. Honestly as tough of a week it's been... having different things to focus on, between Christmas, construction, Brian's surgery coming up...

it's always good to have more than one thing to think about... too much focus on one item isn't good in this household, esp for little Ty!

But one thing I hate is lack of sleep.. it's so hard to function and stay rational when you're tired!

So this was my day yesterday, okay actually starting Wednesday... one vomiting due to ear infection, plumbing turned off for a few hours..... no power all day Thursday... things didn't go as "planned"..... I did forget to mention to them ,/p>

they are working on our house..... I should have warned them NOTHING GOES AS PLANNED

took sick one to doctor...

proud of Ty who handled really well all this stuff happening around him... including going on the potty as usual when there was no power.... he had a light (thank goodness for our generator when we camp).

but more typically is anything different- it's a no go in his mind

I was very proud of all of them for handling the best they can the inconvenience!

I have an awesome friend. she is such a blessing- who brought me a Starbucks and an iPad to borrow (ok, 2 ipads to borrow)... and I can't say anything more about them in case my kids are reading this...... ;) - she really knows my kids so well!

And to say it was a life saver.... well- yes it was!

The house is turned upside down (more than our usual messy house).... and having a sick one and not being able to do laundry-

yeah, I"m a little behind!

Contractor is disconnecting washer and dryer tonight- so they can pour cement slap for the new floor... which means what???

Mama is doing probably 8 loads of laundry today....

And I guess if it doesn't all get done, it doesn't all get done...

Oh and when they were working on the electrical panel..... something happened (big surprise) and it blew out my one and only cooking device.... my toaster oven..

My real oven had stopped working last June.... haven't replaced it yet (built in wall one's are not cheap)

and the one cooking device I have been using... to bake with Ty, to toast his EVERYDAY GF bagel that is part of his routing

to bake,

did I mention, to bake?

The one thing Ty and I do inside the house together.... BAKE!

But the poor electrician feels so bad, and he's a nice guy and is replacing my toaster oven!

That's awesome... so I just have to head out and buy a new toaster oven!

sounds good to me!

So, overwhelming week, I'm tired, I'm cranky (ask my husband), I'm running at 90mph, and I'm kind of ready to slow things down!

Oh, forgot, it's Christmas next week, oh and 2 weeks from Monday, my husband is donating a kidney and will be in the hospital for several days then off work for 6-8 weeks!

Slowing down, probably not in the forecast..... Lord give me strength!

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