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My Paradise in a Bubble: sleep is beautiful..... it free's him of his obsessive thoughts

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

sleep is beautiful..... it free's him of his obsessive thoughts

Well, he is asleep right now

after almost 2 hours, okay, 1 hour of really tough behaviors- OCD obsession with "buying" seeds "buying " a frisbee for Gretchen

and not having anything else but that focus and destroying anything in it's path of not getting it

so needless to say, house has stuff thrown EVERYWHERE

my purse contents thrown all around the living room, paint bottles thrown at me in the family room

well, to say my house looks a bit like war zone

yeah, it does

on a positive note

it ultimately ended,

he got "focused" on something more productive, healthier, and got off the OCD buying thoughts

and started playing with Lincoln Logs, building

then wandered into my room where I was finally getting dressed for the day

and although his thoughts started to come back as he lay on my bed

I could tell the boy was going to fall asleep

I didn't move, I didn't talk, I didn't do anything

I just sat there, and ultimately

he let go of his thoughts, he let go of ideas and he let his body slip into slumber

to regain energy, to organize, to relax, to be calm, to be free of thoughts, fears and worries

sleep is beautiful, isn't it!

And I'm tired now too!

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