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My Paradise in a Bubble: My golden moment

Thursday, October 16, 2014

My golden moment

The days just seem to be flying by!

Is it just me or wow... wasn't it just July??

Gosh, Halloween is almost come and gone then onto the Holiday season

then the new year...

and.. well I just want everything to slow down , even just a bit!

As wonderful as the holiday season of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years (those are the celebrations we have in our home)

but wow... slow it down!!!

On a different note, and fun Halloween, I made Megan's Peacock Tulle no sew skirt for her costume today

I"m loving it.. and it was so so easy!

And although the morning with Ty wasn't horrible

his over reaction to "things" got my focus elsewhere until he could better pull himself together (boy he was overly tired!)

and as I started to work on Megan's skirt, he got his own creative thoughts pumping through his brain and "created" a costume for Oliver, made Sadie a Zombie, and well had fun with the dog Halloween concept

which allowed me to finish Megan's skirt- and well, that was quite nice!

Not having behaviorists come into the home any more certainly doesn't allow me any time for myself (not even to go to the bathroom by myself, maybe that's TMI, but my kid is at my side ALL THE TIME!)

So, I know this is the best thing for him right now, but it can and is down right exhausting

all the time!

So for me to do something of my choosing, even for 20-30 minutes, and without him freaking out on me

well, that truly is a golden moment for me.

and I"m not one that is well, one that has typically gotten "me time" or has even been good about setting time aside for "me time" and I guess after almost 13 years of motherhood, 16 years of marriage, it's just not a huge "worry" in my book- sure at times it would be nice, sure at times I desperately need it

sure at times I wish the world was one in which I am just simply granted a little R and R without having to step back into the world and still having to take on the things that went wrong while I was out, or have struggles upon my return because transitions are still very difficult and at that point all things are null because it's just too hard to handle the transitional behavior... so you know, it is what it is.. so when I can get my little guy to maybe possibly, even for just a little bit of time get engaged with an activity that I choose, or I like to do, esp if it has to do with crafts, or something.. well again - a nice golden moment for this mommy! Now for all those that are thinking, I should take more time for myself, I'm going to burn out, blah blah blah.. yeah I know all that and more, Yeah I've heard it over and over like a broken record

and as I always say to my hubby, I wish more "professionals" "people" would ask how my son is doing, even half the amount of time Brian and I are asked "how we are doing" ....

that is a pet peeve of mine- don't worry about Brian and I, we are adults..

now my son, yeah be worried for him, help us help him, seems like all too often it centers around "us" and not on "him" and that is frustrating since we are still constantly trying to gather info and resources to better help him

so again- I liked my golden moment, I liked that my son participated in it with me

and that is just that.... my golden moment!

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