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My Paradise in a Bubble: The "Witching Hour".....

Monday, June 13, 2016

The "Witching Hour".....

Remember when kids were little.... and for some reason around the same time each day the world would collapse around them?

I called it the "witching hour"... and it didn't matter what the day was like earlier

but around the same time all hell would break loose!

I remember it clearly as they were infants and toddlers..... well we seem to be having a "witching hour" with my almost 12 year old!

UGH.......... Something comes over him and he starts acting up, getting angry, having negative thoughts, OCD thoughts, all things that have bothered him in the last 12 months (no joke) come out with force and frustration

and yes this all fuels behavior- sticks being thrown, rocks being thrown, threats, his escaping to the backyard corner.

I have to come up with a new strategy for this time of day.

Not sure what yet. But some how I have to keep him engaged in something to keep his mind from running away and going down the path of negative thoughts.

Oh and I think it may also be necessary to dose some med ..... something to help him be calm and stay in control of his own mind and body.

So, this is the 4th day of summer vacation. His birthday is in 2 days.

Yeah, it's a tough transition for sure. I"m ready for things to "smooth" out a bit!

Once upon a time, summer was my favorite time of year with the kids. Not having to be somewhere, being able to just exist in our home, doing fun activities like arts and crafts, fort building, baking treats, swimming, literally the simple pleasures of childhood.

This is why my blog is named "My Paradise in a Bubble".

Because when we were home, not having to be places, keeping a routine very simple, not having outside environmental sensory experiences that overwhelm him...... I would say when we don't have to be anywhere, don't see anyone, he is pretty calm and happy! My Paradise in a Bubble.

Once we open the door to the outside world........ distractions of everyday life, routine disruptions, unexpected anything-
he struggles much more! It's how it always has been.

But we had some good times in the summer. It wasn't always so difficult. Even if we couldn't go anywhere..... we made it fun here!

It's a lot harder to do now that they are older. And he struggles just to have people in the same room as him (esp sisters). So I have to "divide" my time, trying to do what I need to do around the house, make lunches, assist who needs assisting, care for dogs..... and keep peace! And maybe, just maybe I can try to do a fun activity (usually art) with whomever wants to participate. It's usually the 2 girls. But sometimes, I can get Ty to participate, even if it's for a moment. I'll take that moment and consider it a successful moment!

So here's to my efforts to trying to have a successful moment today! And keep the "witching hour" calm!

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