Last day of school!
I am always a bit uneasy with the last day of school!
So many unknowns of what will come our way this summer. When most are off enjoying the freedom, vacations, leisure time; it's just not like that here.
Our typical summer takes quite a while to "get into summer mode". Usually by August we start to feel a bit more relaxed. More of a groove compared to the weeks post school getting out. And then just when things are more calm and routine........ we hit another routine change with school starting back up again.
This is how it is for our summers. It's not really an Autism Friendly break. No break really is.
But as always- I will be optimistic. I will create opportunities for my kids to have fun with. Oldest is busy volunteering about half of the summer, a week at a time. That keeps her busy (which is good). And the rest of us will chill at home (because again reality is we can't leave our home) We will have our occasional "drive thru "trip for rewarded french fries.. that will get us out of the house. Not all 3 kids- that doesn't ever end well. But little one and my boy and I can from time to time venture out to a drive thru to reward Ty with his motivating french fries.
I have one hope of going to the local u-pick farm. This can be a really nice outing. However it can also totally back fire and become a nightmare.
It's any one's guess as to how it will go!
But for now, today is the last day of school. We are already starting off on shaky ground since dad has a late meeting tonight.
Then next week I will have a birthday boy. Again, another curve ball thrown his way.
And just starting to figure out a routine, how we are all going to manage and set our "ground rules" for co existing in the house together- it's 4th of July.
That's always a doozey!
My reality is one where I just won't allow myself to "think" that far ahead. It's impossible.
I will take today- enjoy the moments knowing my 9th grader will be headed off to High School next year. Celebrate all her accomplishments as best that I can. Give little one the support she needs moving from a 3rd grader to a 4th grader.... big changes lie ahead for her (she calls it nervousited) (nervous and excited all melted together)
And I will of course do my best to engage Ty during all these new changes that historically overwhelm his system to the point of not coping with the littlest of "things"...... but I'm optimistic this summer. He is on cannabis. It's helped him in so many ways. It's a new beginning to what can "be" this summer for our family. It just is. And I will continue to enjoy "my moments"..... and hope this summer brings some pretty fantastic one's for our family.
I think we deserve it! My kids deserve it! (not that that means anything........ but I will do what I can to inspire some happy and memorable moments for them......
First order of business....... breathe!
A look into a special needs mom's everyday life of raising 3 kids- when one of them won't (can't) leave the house. - This blog was started 15 years ago. It is a window into our world and our journey to supporting our son. Who now has the capacity to not only leave our house (on his terms) but to engage in many other activities of life with joy! This is a story about hope!

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