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My Paradise in a Bubble: Out the window

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Out the window

Oh no!!!

Things erupted for my little guy last night!

And he was out the bathroom window!

But before jumping out the window, water everywhere, soap and shampoo poured out everywhere, anything that can be thrown was thrown out the window.

Shower curtain pulled down and.......

the worst part is my boy couldn't handle life at this moment.

To him, everything must have felt like it was collapsing all around him.

He expressed anger- but was he really angry?

I never know- this is what make parenting a non verbal child difficult.
Yes he has WORDS he uses. But if his words cannot express anything meaningful especially so others around him can understand and then support him.

It's non verbal! Words are just words like reading a book. That's what it is for him. So in moments like this, he has behaviors to communicate

And in this moment, it wasn't really about the different bread the sandwich was made on (which of course after all this he eventually ate it)

It's just his inability to deal when clearly life got in the way today.

These are the moments that make me sad for him. But his aggressive behaviors are what have to be dealt with in that moment. Not trying to comfort and or help him (which is totally my mommy instinct- I see in his eyes the pain it's bringing him). I want to speak the words he may be wanting to express but cannot. He was too far gone at this point.

It was all about safety at this moment. His safety, our safety.

Some days are just like this. This is Autism.

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