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My Paradise in a Bubble: Cannabis and Minors......

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Cannabis and Minors......

I get asked a lot of questions regarding Medical Cannabis and use in minors. A lot of people don't think the laws extend to minors. So I thought I would post the law and some resources. It is important to educate yourself.

But since it is the ONLY thing that has actually helped our son, I am happy to share the information and our story. We were out of options, and to see our son smile and laugh again is precious. We tried traditional pharma and therapies- you name it, we did it. But the meds prescribed really only made things worse for him, unlike Cannabis. We are lucky we live where we do. Not everyone has access to MMJ. One should not need luck to have access to a beneficial medication to help their child.

- "To help clarify for physicians who recommend medical marijuana as a treatment option for minors, the California Medical Association published in 2001 (and updated in 2009) the following guidelines:

“The CUA (Compassionate Use Act of 1996) does not exclude minors. Moreover, the MMP (Medical Marijuana Program) clarifies that minors are covered by the CUA and can obtain identity cards with the consent of their parents or guardians. (Health & Safety Code 11362.715) However, a physician should proceed cautiously. The physician should ensure that:

1.) the parents or guardians are fully informed about the risks and benefits of medical cannabis and give their consent to such treatment;

2.) the minor has a serious medical condition; and

3.) all conventional treatments have been tried unsuccessfully, or considered and rejected (e.g. because of probable unacceptable side effects), before recommending the use of medicinal cannabis.

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