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My Paradise in a Bubble: My "holy crap" moment

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My "holy crap" moment

Just have to have a "holy cr##" moment...

my son asked to go on the potty for his bowel irrigation early (and he meant at that moment)...

and this is my "OMG" moment....

he is using a different potty in our house... seem's like no big deal I know

, but for over 5 YEARS now he would only go on the one potty in our house- never a different one (we have 3)....

and the only other place he would allow his irrigations is on our RV- which is why we got it- so we can actually leave our house for a little vacation-

he is so rigid esp with his bowel irrigations

- he was 4 1/2 when we started doing them- from that day-

it was 7:00pm on the

ps (he's realized he can play xbox from the potty in my bathroom, by just turning the TV------ gives him something to do vs just being on computer......

. YEAH!!!!:)

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