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My Paradise in a Bubble: Her canine magic....

Friday, May 23, 2014

Her canine magic....

This was the not the greatest day to have Megan stay home not feeling well, but she's not so sick that she can't "bother" her brother (or vice versa, but it's her REACTION)!

They have been at each other all morning- it's driving me absolutely nuts! Everything routine wise is off for him and therefore, he's off!!! Just when we were trying to settle back into a routine, and having moments of success... too many unexpected changes in the schedule, and he's not dealing with it very well!

I told Brian Ty has been in only 3 states of mind the past week....

1. Completely jacked up- hyper, over the top

2. Completely mad, angry, controlling, ready for battle (literally)

3. Asleep!

This is the transition, this is his only way he knows how to "cope" which of course is why we are constantly trying to help him-

It's certainly exhausting and we are only going into a weekend- which means only one thing

change in routine once again, and not only that-

It's a holiday weekend- so ONE MORE CHANGE!!!

Just desperately want to get him settled- But one thing is for sure!!!

Check out this photo of him and Gretchen!

Right now I'm trying to help him understand when he's mad- those are his mad juices flowing through his body- but all he has to do is pet Gretchen and his happy juices will then fill him!

It's so hard when he is so out of touch with his own body, how to process all these feelings appropriately, and respond appropriately!

And exhausting.....

So right now, I'll breathe.

not sure what the rest of the day will bring, so I'll just breathe and then continue the march of keeping him calm!

Want to know how off he was today, he didn't want to come on a walk just down the street with me and Gretchen!

That's the first time since we've had her... because even if he says no, I still walk and he has always joined up with me....

So this mama has a critical mission ahead, and that is to help Ty regain some control over his body and his reactions and settle in, be present, calm and not be angry at all things!

Calmness, breathe, calmness, breathe, calmness, breathe.... this is my meditation!

How amazing is our sweet Gretchen.... notice the paw over his neck- just to let him know she's there with him!

I just love it....

she really is working her canine magic!

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