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My Paradise in a Bubble: CCI Adventure- ready or not, here we come!

Friday, May 2, 2014

CCI Adventure- ready or not, here we come!

With one day left until my boys leave for our big adventure for team training .... I can't help but wonder- can he do this?

This has been not the greatest week, in fact Monday evening we saw the biggest meltdown we've seen in months... he wasn't backing down, wasn't accepting our help, my face got scratched and hair pulled.. it took both my husband and I to help him

And this week has been lots of fires like that- he's anxious, he's way more jacked up

is this a sign that he may not be able to handle all that is to come over the next few weeks!

Despite getting him into the good zone up until this week of course...

Today, he's already dressed, outside, and I hear hammering and tools!

Maybe that's a good sign?

He's focused on something, he's regulating himself but working with tools, good proprioceptive input as we call it

But not his usual morning nap, as he does 99% of the time.

It tells the story that he's off, he's anxious, but compared to other days this week, he's gotten himself engaged in an activity!

I hope this is a good sign he's preparing himself for what is to come, because after the past few days, I was really starting to doubt if this is going to work out!

But that sucks because we just have to get him through the next few weeks, and then we come home with a beautiful new family member that has a tail and four paws!

It's what he needs so desperately, it's what he will need for his future!

One week from today, he will already have his dog, be able to sleep with his dog, and begin to bond- in one week!

We can do this.... I just need to remind myself of this... we can do it!

We have been through a lot more hell, without an amazing outcome waiting- a service dog!

Dream come true for Brian and I, knowing we are able to get him this gift of a service dog- this gift to help him in his future, this gift of independence, absolute acceptance, a bridge, a connection, truly a most loving companion that will love him and accept him as Brian and I do. Maybe even more- it is a dog you know. That's what makes this entire situation absolutely amazing.

We just have to do everything we can to get him through it- to help him during his moments of debilitating anxiety, and uncontrollable energy, fear, and help keep him calm, organized, and present.

Seems easy, huh??

But we can do this! We will do this, we have one day until he leaves- 2 days until the girls and I go... CCI adventure- Here we come!

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