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My Paradise in a Bubble: Playing

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Day3: After a rough start to this morning, things pretty un routine

Megan staying home for just a bit due to a headache- it really threw Ty into well, a bit of a fit

But finally things calm for now..

in fact, he's engaged with Lego's right here by my side

playing in a world of helicopters, trucks, and little Lego men

and I don't dare interrupt him

I know the moments will end sooner than I am ready

by his own doing and own "ready for the next thing to do :

But for now, I'm enjoying peeking out of the side of my head, catching glances of his sweet play

reminding me of why we do what we do

It's meeting him where he is at in this moment

but seeing him

play, create, build, and re build

and interact with his lego scene as if he is a apart of it

that's how a little boy should play

nothing else around him distracting him

just pure focus on "playing!"

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