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My Paradise in a Bubble: what a day to start.....

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

what a day to start.....

well, a lot of history will come later- but for today- glad it's almost over. Not a good one when it comes to my son, who has Autism, and behavior meltdown. I've been hit, kicked, thrown objects at- not a good day. It started right when his behaviorist arrived this morning- and then occurred again when she was leaving. Geez, can anyone tell he has a problem with transitions. Those of you in the Autism world know what that means.... and so our story will continue- but for today- wow all I can say is I hope tomorrow is better. And those of you who also understand medical issues, I am off to get my son set up for his bowel irrigation- and yes that is exactly what it sounds like- flushing him out! Wish us luck- he's "delayed" it already by 15 minutes- not a good start... but goes with the rest of the day. I look forward to posting and connecting with those with similar situations, interests to share and support and of course VENT!!!!

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