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My Paradise in a Bubble: just now getting to drink my morning coffee (it's 11:15am)....

Friday, July 26, 2013

just now getting to drink my morning coffee (it's 11:15am)....

well, a kink in our morning routine- The AC was having a problem- and where we live- one word- HOT!!! I knew how to fix it- hubby went off to work, Ty was happily playing Lego's (that's a great start to our day!), so off to the backyard to turn off the circuit breaker for the AC.... oh first stop actually was to the computer- to see exactly what I need to do for a clogged AC drain. Two hours later- fixed... yaa hoo! So, luckily all went well and peaceful in the house while I was fixing it- I know that's not easy for my kids to not have my attention or my help. I just really wanted to get this fixed before it starts to heat up today! My dear friend picked up my oldest for a trip to the library with her daughter and for some fun after- that helps out so much! It's just a little calmer in the house with fewer people. Plus it's good for my oldest to be able to get out be with a friend, at the library (there favorite spot), and pretty much, away from her brother! So thank you Jen- that helps our morning so much! And I have to say as friday has come, I am so tired! What a week, and my anxiety is higher because of the behaviors we've been dealing with.... so just tired! Well, I am going to enjoy my coffee, stop typing, and enjoy the quietness going on right now. Ty is occupied by his behaviorist- they are learning how to throw different pitches. Did I mention my son is like the most amazing athlete! Whatever sport- boom he's like a pro. So talented- just unfortunate he's not able to deal with being on a team. He's played soccer on a team- he is pretty much frozen on the field- but he is very skilled player. Baseball- wow, he's a lefty, who throws left, can bat both left and right- watch out major leagues- he might just come out of no where some day. Tennis, yep- even when he was just 5 and 6- very good! Basketball- he can dribble a ball unlike most 9 year olds.. his only thing- height may not be on his side- but I know that won't stop him. Karate- he's really good at manipulating their tools- the bow staff, screamer sticks (now I have no idea how to spell these things- but this is how it sounds....) He's earned his white belt just from being at home with one of his behaviorists- who just happens to be a karate instructor/owner and has been working with him- Not bad, private Karate instruction in the safe zone of our house- that's his ideal! Anyway- it's incredible how coordinated and talented at athletics he is, but if you can't go out into the world without freaking out- none of that matters.. Well, cheers to a better Friday- my goal is to get through the day without being hit, kicked, and most importantly not having to restrain him today- he's needed restraint the last 4 days- which is very unusual for how things have been lately. We were going up to 1 -2 weeks - doesn't mean there was difficult behaviors, it just means he used better coping skills and responded to our assistance- rather then carrying it further. Restraint is just to keep him safe, keep us safe, and to keep him from destroying property. Not fun, so few understand, and as I"ve always said, it's one thing having a 2 or 3 year old having a tantrum/meltdown... heck one of the safest places for him was his car seat.... but just like kids do- we knew the days would come- he's bigger and stronger- but still has no coping skills. That makes life tough for him, and our family. But baby steps, baby steps baby steps..... we have a great team of professionals, and we all work together to help Ty everyday. And some days are better then others, and some days just suck. But there will always be tomorrow. And I never know what that will bring, but it's a chance to have a better day, have a few laughs with my kids, see my son engaging with our family. And if there's a chance of that happening- I look forward to tomorrow!

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