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My Paradise in a Bubble: great info from A Sensory Life- on Auditory strategies....

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

great info from A Sensory Life- on Auditory strategies....

"Understanding Your Child's Sensory Signals ***Answers from Angie*** Question: Is there anything I can do to help my kids regulate their voices? Also, why is it that my kids are always complaining about everyone and everything around them being too loud, when they are often the ones making the most noise? Answer: The combination of sensory signals you listed indicates auditory processing difficulties...the brain is having a difficult time processing sound, volume, pitch of voice, etc. And it is very common for a child sensitive to noise to be the noise maker. Sound is heard differently when projected from others and the environment vs coming from their own voice. A few suggestions: Have them wear noise cancelling headphones...not only to protect their nervous systems from uncomfortable noise, but it will also lower their voices since they will hear their own voice magnified. Also, be sure there the home environment is calm and quiet (no background noise from a TV or computer). It is even more difficult to process auditory input when there are alot of competing sounds around them. And in regards to working on auditory processing the most effective way is to work on auditory skills while involved in a movement activity. And over time auditory processing skills will improve and process sound more efficiently. (I will post separately for you on this topic). I have linked a handout for ideas for in the classroom as well." BY Angie Voss, OTR

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