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My Paradise in a Bubble: This is how it goes post 4th of July.....

Friday, July 8, 2016

This is how it goes post 4th of July.....

This kid cracks me's like almost 100 degrees out....

This was a memory from my FB feed. I almost have forgotten about Ty's crazy and yet so necessary sleep situations. Since starting Cannabis, he has no longer napped. Not even once. Hmm, is he maybe getting better quality sleep at night, maybe not having "nocturnal seizures" because we now can notice his body not having any convulsions during his sleep? My opinion- yes!

But it also reminds me how much he needed (even though he never knew it) major down time, sleep. His body would just crash- anywhere. Whether it was the sidewalk, upside on a couch, a bench in the backyard. When sleep over took his body- that was it. I have never understood it- but it is what it is.

With 4th of July behind us, and it was quite successful which I"m so thankful for; but I am reminded once again of what events like this do to Ty and his body.

Since the 4th of July, he has layed on the couch for pretty much the last 48 hours- watching a show, not getting up except to pee. That's it. Nothing else. And for a boy who is so active, playing basketball, swimming, this is all he can do after such a big event.

So on the couch he is, and when he did try to engage even with me.... forget it! He couldn't... and luckily I would manage to get him to go back to the couch. He couldn't handle anything outside of the couch and TV.

So after this 48 hours, yesterday he slowly pulled himself off the couch, onto the floor and began playing lego's!! Now that was awesome to see!!!!

This is what his world is like- his central nervous system cannot tolerate much at all, still. It's about how he handles it however.

Fun event, next 2 days basically in a couch/TV coma- and cannot interact with the world or people (even mom and dad), and then slowly wakes up a bit and plays quietly, calmly, and can tolerate a bit more interaction. He and Sarah swam in the pool- successfully!

In our world, a big event (which to most everyone else is no big deal) is so huge, that it truly wipes him out for days after. We used to experience easily a week of this coma type behavior. And this is why I know we don't ever plan anything else around these times. Not that we do anything anyways, but we know the 4th is big...... we have not even left the house for a french fry run. Nothing!

This is just how it is. And it gets back to reminding me why he can't attend so many things, why he can't attend school, why the world outside of our home is so overwhelming to his system. It always has been. I'm just glad the cannabis is helping him so he doesn't rage and become too physically aggressive where we can't handle it- like last summer.

If all he can do is lay on the couch for several days at a time, especially after a big event..... that's how it will be. And it's not up to us to understand it- we will never understand what goes on inside his sweet mind and body. But it is up to us to appreciate it and support him as necessary!

And this is why you cannot FORCE him to do something..... there is a reason he is not able to handle some things...... he can't communicate it through words... but only by his actions. His actions right now are - to chill, decompress, and when he is ready- he let's us know. This is not new- this is how it has always been. But when we appreciate it and follow his lead on these types of things.... well, things are just better. Even if we don't get it!

My boy is happier and that is what matters most!

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