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My Paradise in a Bubble: Her worries are important

Monday, July 11, 2016

Her worries are important

My blog description is " A look into a special needs mom's everyday life of raising 3 kids- when one of them won't (can't) leave the house. "

But it is definitely days like today that I realize how hard it can be - my everyday life, trying to raise 3 kids- when one is now 12, taller than me and for 98% of the time, still can't leave the house.

Little one is off to her very first soccer camp. It's very exciting. But her needs tend to get overlooked sometimes- just because that is how life is around here.

Turns out, she had quite a bit of anxiety about going to camp. I'm not sure why I"m surprised. I should have anticipated it and prepared her better. I tend to forget about how sensitive she can be, especially to new things, changes, exciting events. She is definitely MY child (she's a lot like me when I was little).

Instead, she and I were up to 1am while she cried with worries. It's just how it is sometimes. And to say her "worries" are not important and are less isn't fair to her. But sometimes, I'm afraid because she is so much more flexible, so much more independent, so much more capable (most of the time)

that when she struggles, sometimes it takes a bigger "moment" for me to realize it. Like last night her in tears, full of worries, tired, and not knowing how to deal with it all.

But eventually her worries were pushed to the side so that she could get some much needed sleep. And she woke up ready to go (well, for the most part- she is not a morning child).

I'm so proud of her. I hope she is having a great time and creating wonderful moments of her own. And fingers crossed her brother handles the change in routine as well, when it's time for me to pick her up. It's been a long time since we had a "pick up routine". Praying french fries are still a motivator for him. Otherwise, I might be screwed!!!

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