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My Paradise in a Bubble: "Bacon in your burger" song brought my kids together

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"Bacon in your burger" song brought my kids together

By far this has been an amazing day. Not because everything has gone even close to perfect, not that there wasn't behaviors (although they were pretty minor-yeah)...not for any reason except

today is the first day since before Brian's surgery (back on January 6th) that Megan and Ty actually had a connected moment!

And not only that but Sarah got involved- and this moment lasted about 15minutes...

I could hardly contain myself, I was just grinning ear to ear (without disrupting the moment of course) and

Brian and I secretly in the kitchen smiled and acknowledged this moment knowing it's been so LONG since we've seen this!

And I caught part of it on camera.... The behind the scenes is the two of them started being silly about the new Jack in the Box commercial (my kids know commercials, like they know their names... a gift for memorizing odd details indeed

And they cannot stop singing this bacon in your burger ad... but the best part was their participation together - sneaking into our room, closing the door, giggling, and literally planning the performance of this silly song... and then when Sarah wanted to get in on it... they didn't push her away, they included her!!!

Okay, here is a captured video of this incredible moment we experienced today.....

sorry it's sideways.. can't figure out how to turn it.. but this was by far an awesome day for me as a mom!

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