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My Paradise in a Bubble: How to help our kiddos who don't know where their body is.... read on

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to help our kiddos who don't know where their body is.... read on

Another great share on kids and decreased body awareness and how to help them. From Angie Voss, OTR Understanding Your Child's Sensory Signals ***Sensory Tip of the Day!*** Children with sensory integration challenges tend to have decreased body awareness (body awareness is knowing where the body is in space without have to look at the body parts). To understand this concept...close your eyes...and most likely you can identify exactly where all parts of your body are positioned. Our sensory kiddos often are unable to identify where their body is in space. So just imagine how difficult it can be to learn a new gross motor skill or sport or even imitation of body posture in a simple movement activity. The very best way to improve body awareness is to incorporate ongoing mini doses of full body proprioception throughout the day. There are many ideas all over my website and in my is a link to some of my favorite ideas. One other recommendation is is such an effective form of full body proprioception, and overall very calming, organizing, and regulating for the nervous system.

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