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My Paradise in a Bubble: Great sensory tip of the day: swimming and why it's SO GOOD!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Great sensory tip of the day: swimming and why it's SO GOOD!

Angie Voss- OTR: " ***Sensory Tip of the Day!*** Swimming is an EXCELLENT source of powerful sensory input, particularly full body proprioception. Proprioceptive input plays a critical role in well as many other benefits...such as supporting motor planning, body awareness, body in space, posture, gross motor skills, and many more. You can also incorporate prone extension, neck extension, and upper body stability and weight shifting in to many of your swimming activities (as pictured) which supports sensory integrative development even more!" ~Angie Voss, OTR

Swimming is by far the best thing Ty can do for himself!

It helps him so much, and then he and Brian play basketball in the pool- so even more intense exercise, movement, resistive movement, all helping his self regulation!

We only have an above ground pool- but it's the greatest thing every summer!

I am always sad to take it down when the season is over- because it's SO GOOD FOR HIM AND HELPS HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

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