I think too many believe they need boundaries and limits because they still are stuck in the traditional education paradigm, and haven’t yet fully embraced it, education can and should look different than what many of us are used to. Starting with allowing the child to guide the process. But this isn’t “a free for all” ( well most of the time lol). Establishing a pattern and synchrony with the kids helps build that foundation that launches them to take ownership of their own learning. Words like boundaries and limits are not necessary because these are often attempts to control something (usually because that’s what is programmed in our minds). But in fact, establishing rhythm, and bringing synchrony between you and the child/children brings children's innate gifts to the space and brings meaningful experiences which is “learning “.
It looks different, it feels different, it should be different. And it’s quite wonderful!
Picture to the right: is an "unschooling" project where we took apart an old toy, reused the motor, and created a "robot" with buttons, google eyes and it moves. There was a lot of learning this day. More importantly, it was a lot of fun and connection-building.
Original article
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