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My Paradise in a Bubble: Wii rocks!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wii rocks!

Wii rock band rocks!

Our behaviorists, L, brought it over for Ty.... it's always a good thing having something "new" and "novel" for him .... as long as you present it in a way that makes it seem like it's no big deal,

and the item will leave with the person who brought it so that it doesn't become "a thing"..... but the more we can have him focus on an activity, an activity that doesn't create too much stir internally, an activity that brings focus and body control movement....


It was so fun watching him play "eye of the tiger".... and he's so impressed that mom knows the words to some of the songs, that one, some GoGo's songs (I think I'm dating myself now.. but love the music!)

I tried it, wasn't very good, in fact I got boo'd off the stage I missed so many notes... Ty thought that was the funnies thing!

Wii Rock Band gets a major thumbs up from this mama!

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