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My Paradise in a Bubble: But my kids therapies!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

But my kids therapies!!!!!

I keep hearing so much from parents who are very concerned for their kids and what about all their during this emergency crisis!

Here is my response to a recent question about “what about my kids therapies?”

Of course this all sucks, but my comment for everyone (cause I know this is on everyone’s mind) and as wonderful as all of our kids therapists are, as incredible as their speech therapy, OT sessions, counseling, ABA and anything else others do to help support our kids in their daily lives, and although everyone’s lives are literally upended in a way none have us have ever experienced I want every parent reading this to know
Your child only needs you!!!!  As parents, all the therapies were also big lessons for us.  We learn how to help support our child in a particular area that’s being worked on.  You already know so much, you just need to keep doing everything you are doing.  Will it be hard, absolutely, but everything the therapists do for your child, is probably already done at home with you, the parents.
Is it a change in routine that will be hard at first, yep!   But this is a chance to create a new routine, involve your child , if they are able, and make it fun and engaging.  That’s what therapists do, we all have watched them work magic at times.  Now it’s in our hands, the parents.  It doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming.  Quite the opposite.  It can be a time of connection and engagement.  This naturally all leads to learning.  Learning isn’t just sitting at a desk, doing a worksheet, it can look so different.  This different actually is  more likely to engage your child to want to keep learning.  Learning doesn’t have to occur between 8-2pm.  It can occur any time.  In fact, you might find a more optimal time that your child is more alert and enjoys participating in learning activities.

My point with all this:  embrace this opportunity.  Nobody has a choice.  But we do have a choice to do what our kids need.  And their needs will change during this time of uncertainty.  Everyday is not going to productive.  That is okay!  We need to maybe lower expectations for ourselves, and recognize that again, kids learn through play!!  Play a game, play cards, cook together.  There are no limits.  It all makes a difference and is every therapy that supports our children.
We all just need to be creative and think outside of the box that we know.  Have confidence.  You are all that your children need!  Period.  It is a time to slow down, get back to basics and really take each moment as it comes.  Everyone here-  You got this!!!   And we are all here for each other!  So no one is alone!  We can all share ideas and resources.  🙏💙 to all the parents!!!

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