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My Paradise in a Bubble: Autism life is already isolating

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Autism life is already isolating

As if our Autism world isn’t isolating enough, with the rapidly developing Pandemic upon us, I put together a list of family friendly educational documentaries and TV shows that have been apart of our Autism world for the last 10 years.  Besides homeschooling our son for 9 years, our family naturally enjoys these types of programs, we watched together especially when the kids were much younger and it created a “family together time” and helped all our children become life long learners.  The engagement we experienced by  watching these shows together, we found it supported our son and created an environment where he could be present, calm and safe.  This connection our entire family created helped us all in so many ways.  I treasure those moments.  I know those moments helped all of us.  I know these moments helped all our kids and fostered the love to learn and that screen time doesn’t have to be considered negative.  It can be utilized to support, engage and be connected to each other.  Which is so critical when supporting our kids with neurodiversity.  Connections and compassion are crucial to help them be successful.  I will continue to post on other suggestions and helpful ideas, especially now that so many schools are closed and parents are now in a position of  having to support their children in many aspects of their lives now that they are home, isolated from their usual routines.  This is a time our kids need us now more than ever.  The difference that watching something educational together is not only a wonderful shared experience, but fosters our children’s innate passions for learning.  

My families recommended educational documentaries that are family friendly.  

Disclaimer:  all children are unique and what their sensitivities are when viewing shows.  Use your own discretion regarding these recommendations.    (*indicates favorites)

  1. National Geographic shows (nat geo channel). *
  2. BBC earth. *
  3. National Geographic kids. *
  4. History channel (more for older kids)
  5. Bill Nye.   (    Save the world (Netflix). Bill Nye science Guy (Netflix).  Public library has a great video collection.  *
  6. Disney nature
  7. Magic school bus (Netflix). *
  8. PBS nature.  ( *
  9. brain *
  10. Nova. *
  11. ( NASA climate kids, solar system., *
  12. Cosmos
  13. Impossible engineering show. *
  14. Engineering disasters show
  15. California Gold by Huell Howser (PBS). *
  16. Weather channel. ( Extreme Weather). *
  17. Dream Big— Engineering our *
  18. Dangerous Animals
  19. Nature channel. *
  20. How’s it made?  Tv show. *
  21. Science channel (what on earth?) *
  22. Discovery channel
  23. Animal Babies show
  24. Nat geo wild. *
  25. The Blue planet. *
  26. Wild Keats (PBS)
  27. Zoboomafoo (PBS). *
  28. How the Universe works. *
  29. How the Earth was made *
  30. Planet Earth. *
  31. Earths Natural Wonders *
  32. California Academy of *
  33. Online.kidsdiscover
  34. Cloud docu-series (Wild Stallion of the Rockies). PBS

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