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My Paradise in a Bubble: Is it my stresses?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Is it my stresses?

I just don't know what to think right now! 

Do I have super low patience setting him off?

Is he just so dysregulated that simple things are making him explode?

He is on a very emotional up and down mood these days.  One minute quietly reading a book in the corner wrapped up in a blanket.  And yes it is really awesome to see this.  But as quick as a flash, some crazy idea disrupts him and next thing I know water is being poured all of the floor and he's yelling.

I never knew what that was about.  Luckily my ignoring him and his act of throwing water everywhere was effective today.  I never said a thing about it- just continued on like it never happened.  Except I did ignore him and any requests he had.  Because clearly engaging in a conversation will likely end up with another behavior.  So I decided to make little one a new bed.

I was successful making her bed using wood from an old Ikea bunk bed that I had saved (see, you just never know when I might have some brilliant plan and need wood that I can just reuse, like from an old Ikea bunk bed.... it was perfect.... made an entire new twin bed with not buying one thing).

But back to Ty, and his quick to erupt emotions.  Hoping today is a better day.  Funny thing he had a pretty good evening last night.  He was watching the debates!!  Yes, the presidential Trump V Clinton debates.  And he had opinions.  It was quite funny, and adorable to hear him try to make sense of what was being said.  But for the most part he has heard many things probably from us and some shows on TV, ESPN, commentary's, news..... and repeated many of the pro-Hillary statements regarding Trump and the craziness that he has brought to the Presidential Race of 2016.  He definitely talks as if he's an authority on the subject.  That's my boy.  He knows and don't question him. 

Ahh.... my mind is all over the place.  Probably not helpful to him.  I get that, but we have a pretty big day tomorrow.  Can't talk details... will post when I am able to... but I am nervous and he will be in the care of my best friend for most of the day.  It will be fine I'm sure.... I'm more worried about Thursday and Friday.... the aftermath as we call it.  So, maybe he is just being super sensitive to me and my own stresses.  But I just want to get him back to a more predictable, stable, calmer state where he is happy, smiling, and we can see even a bit of his personality, of my fun loving silly boy.  I miss that!  

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