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My Paradise in a Bubble: A successful birthday day!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

A successful birthday day!

My youngest turned 9! My baby, my sweet little one. Can't believe she's 9! Wasn't Ty just 9- well i guess 3 years ago! Wow! Where does the time go?

A really happy thing - as most "special" type days are filled with more tears and anguish then smiles and laughter...... but this birthday was definitely different.

Ty was different. It might not have started off so great- I guess he decided his water "wasn't cold enough" so in Ty style dumps it on the floor and throws the cup. Eh, could have been worse! But he definitely recovered from this. And with it being little sisters birthday- I had the opportunity to go to her classroom, bring a birthday treat for the class and participate in a special "birthday circle" to celebrate her. At first, Ty simply stated he wasn't going and so that's how it was.

But with a little more time (allowing him to process, and for me to think of just the right incentive), he agreed. In n Out! 2 plain meat patty's, french fries, 3 sides of pickles, 5 packs of spread, and a cup of water.

Okay- that is worth it for me to be able to participate in little one's class birthday celebration.

It all worked out. He was definitely a little more on edge today than he's been. But he is also "recovering" from Mother's Day festivities. It's just been a different kind of week with him. Not horrible, but he's been more off and explosive than he's been lately.

And our typical "birthday" kind of days usually bring on well ALOT for Ty. But he is handling the day pretty well. We all enjoyed a really nice dinner of Sarah's choice. Fesajune (A Persian Chicken with Pomegranate sauce) and in his usual fashion ate in other room in front of TV. That's best! But he did participate in watching her open gifts and singing happy birthday and having cake with us. That was pretty cool to see! I know it meant a lot to Sarah. It made the day even a little more special for me too!

A successful birthday day for sure. We have medical cannabis to thank!

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