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My Paradise in a Bubble: Early trauma - sets up protection over connection…..

Monday, April 3, 2023

Early trauma - sets up protection over connection…..

 All of this…. 👇. Unfortunately when my infant son was experiencing great pain in his first years of life (turns out due to dysfunctional diseased bowels) I knew just enough about the early years to be worried about his brain development and ability for attachment, bonding and his overall development and well being.  

And despite our greatest efforts to meet his needs and be attuned with him, A child in pain, is not a child who can easily attach and bond. 

Trauma (PTSD) from all his medical experiences was his first diagnosis at age 5. It’s been a long bumpy road, and we will never give up on him.  

Early trauma creates a nervous system that has a very hard time coming out of “protection” and struggles for “connection”.  

Healing can happen! Connection can happen!

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