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My Paradise in a Bubble: The turning point on this journey

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The turning point on this journey

 I love when this memory comes up.  It is a reminder of how far we have come in the journey to helping our son!!!  

The many successes, the growth and  joyful moments he has experienced these past 5 years is what kept fueling us to never give up, even when so many others did.  

Cannabis helped calm his traumatized nervous system down enough for him to experience life through a new lens that was free from pain, free from trauma, free from a world that created a tornado of chaos and confusion with him in the center of it.  


His big smile and his laughter says it all.

FB Memory from 4 years ago:

The meds on the left are prescribed every day for kids like Ty.  Many have no data or evidence for use in kids.  They are prescribed "off label" because so many doctor's don't know what else to do for our children when nothing else has worked.  They made things so much worse for our son- the side effects were awful and this approach of throwing darts to see what works has robbed Ty of what is supposed to be his childhood.  I wish we had tried cannabis years ago, when we first approached his doctor. We were desperate to help our son.  Cannabis is medicine!  What would you choose if it was your child??

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